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Maintaining Equity
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 This page contains to links to many useful websites.  As a group we have compiled a list of some of our favorite sites for future reference. They are sites that deal with everything from inequities to lesson plans and a little in-between.


Elementary Science Topics       http://internet4classrooms.com/science_elem.htm

Gender Related Links    http://www.enc.org/topics/equity/articles/#IIIAStrategies This is a great site with links to specific inequity issues from gender to cultural. A must bookmark site!

Innovative Curriculum Ideas   http://www.enc.org/topics/innovate/?ls=sn

Equity in the Standards-Based Elementary Mathematics Classroom http://www.enc.org/topics/equity/stories/stories/document.shtm?input=FOC-001768-index#1

Houghton Mifflin Textbook site http://www.eduplace.com/parents/textbook/index.html

Another good web site full of links    http://www.terc.edu/wge/rgelectronic.html

 This is the companion site to my Intro to Education Class.  It has  a wealth of information on education     http://wps.ablongman.com/ab_parkay_becoming_6/0,8203,831497-,00.html


 Creating Gender Equity in the Science Classroom http://www.brown.edu/Administration/Dean_of_the_College/homepginfo/equity/Equity_handbook.html

 Just an essay but very interesting reading     http://www.mermaids.freeuk.com/differ.html

 This is a great site that explains the  difficulties boys face during the early elementary years. Very informative  http://www.earlychildhood.com/Articles/index.cfm?A=414&FuseAction=Article




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Last updated: 04/27/05.