2nd grade worksheets

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A Hairy Situation

"It's a hairy situation," I said with a laugh.
"But we can keep track with a simple bar graph."
I wrote numbers on the left from 0 to 15.
Across the bottom I wrote hair colors — no, not green!

Above each choice I colored one square
For each student who has that color of hair.
Our teacher, Ms. Muller, was really impressed.
For comparing amounts, she says graphs are the best!
















Fill in the number of kids with each color hair. In my class there are:

­­____ kid(s) with black hair.
____ kid(s) with brown hair.
­­____ kid(s) with blonde hair.
____ kid(s) with red hair.

Use this page to make your own hair color bar graph. Count up the hair colors in your class.


Color in the squares above each hair type, up to the number of students with that color hair.

Empy graph





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Last updated: 04/27/05.