K-1st Lesson Plan...The Five Senses

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The Five Senses

The Five Senses

Grade Level:



1.Students will be able to identify the five senses and the major body part associated with each.

2.  Students will be able to identify differences in the way animals use their senses.

Sunshine State Standards:

SC.F.1.1-The student describes patterns of structure and function in living things.

SC.F.1.2- The student understands that there are many different kinds of living things that live in many different environments.


1.Power Point Presentation entitled “The Five Senses”.

2. Cotton Balls, sandpaper, cotton balls soaked in perfume, cotton balls soaked in vinegar.

3. “Make the Connections” worksheet.



This lesson will last approximately 50 minutes.


Begin lesson by introducing the five senses.  Start power point lesson.  When the “Sight” slide is being viewed, instruct students to hold their two index fingers in front of their faces.  Then, have them move their fingers to each side of their heads, out of their line of vision.  Now say” You cannot see both of your fingers at the same time.  We have an animal friend who can.”  Introduce the chameleon.




Show “Smell” Slide.  Have children take turns smelling the scented cotton balls.  Say” Our noses work well, but they don’t work as well as our next animal friend’s”.  Introduce the dog and discuss how police use dogs to follow scents.  Show “Hearing” Slide.  Ask” Can you hear with your legs?”  Say, “Of course not!  Let’s listen carefully and see if we can hear our next animal friend.”  Play cricket sounds and introduce the cricket.  Discuss how the cricket uses its legs to hear.  Show “Taste” slide.  Ask about some of the students’ favorite tastes.  Say “The next animal we will meet uses its legs to taste.”  Introduce the butterfly and discuss its taste receptors.  Show “Touch” slide.  Have students feel the cotton balls and the sandpaper.  Ask them to describe the two.  Then, ask “How do you think these two things would feel on your nose?  How would you like to feel with your nose?  That is just what our next animal friend does.”  Introduce the star-nosed mole.  Show recap slide.  Show “Connections” slide.  Ask if there are any questions. 


Students will complete the “Make the Connections” worksheet to be used as a grade.















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