3rd Grade Math

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Shopping in Rome

Grade Level:

3rd Grade


1.The student will be able to compare the decimal base number system(10) to the Roman numeral system using Roman numerals I,V,X,L,and C.

Sunshine State Standards:


Strand A
Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations

Standard 2:
The student understands number systems.

Benchmark MA.A.2.2.2.
The student recognizes and compares the decimal number system to the structure of other number systems such as the Roman numeral system or bases other than



1. hats, sunglasses, purses, small toys, fake food items, etc.

2. price tags written in Roman numerals

3. fake money

4. Extra help for this activity if possible

5. Roman Numerals Practice Worksheet

6. “Shopping in Rome” homework sheet.


This lesson will last approximately 45 minutes.


1.Activate students’ knowledge of money by having them recall the various examples of paper money (1 dollar bill, 5 dollar bill, etc.).

2. Introduce Roman numerals I-L, with samples on the board of combinations to produce any desired number. (Ex. III=3, IX=9)

3. Work through the first 5 problems on the worksheet together. Allow students 10 minutes to complete remaining problems and check together.

4. Pass out fake money.  Allow students 15 minutes to “shop in Rome” helping them identify Roman Numerals at each station.  This is where the extra help is needed. 

5. Send home “Shopping in Rome” handout for homework.


Students will be evaluated with a quiz on the following day.  The completed homework will be worth extra points as well.






(Click Here for Worksheets)













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