4th Grade Science

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Roy G Biv and Your Eyes

Grade Level:

4th Grade


1.  Students will be able to identify problems associated with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light in regards to the eyes.

2.  Students will relate what they have previously learned about the eyes to this lesson.

Sunshine State Standards:

Standard 1:
The student describes patterns of structure and function in living things.

Benchmark SC.F.1.2.1.
The student knows that the human body is made of systems with structures and functions that are related.




Expectation 2.
The student: knows the major organ systems of the human body.



1.Video http://www.eyedidntknowthat.info

2. Questions worksheet.



This lesson will last approximately 30 minutes.


Begin lesson by reviewing the parts of the human eye.  Recall that there is a spectrum of light beyond what the human eye can see.  Introduce video and remind students that there will be a handout to complete as well as questions pertaining to the video on the next exam.



Students will further research one of the effects (mentioned in the video) that the sun can have on the eye and report to the class on the next day.


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