Power Point Instruction

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How to Make a PB&J

A Lesson on Power Point


1.       Double click on the Power Point icon.  A blank presentation will open.


2.       Select  “Blank Presentation” and click OK.


3.       The slide layout screen will appear.  Select the first slide and click OK.


4.       Click on the first box.  Type: How To Make a PB&J and hit enter.  Next, click on the smaller box and type: Presented by(your name).


5.       Highlight the first line of text.  Click on the text color button and select purple.


6.       Click on the clipart icon.  Search for clipart related to peanut butter, jelly, bread, grapes, or peanuts.  Select one to enter at the bottom of the slide.  Select “insert”.


7.       Click on Common tasks.  Select New Slide.  Then select the second slide on the first row and click OK.  You will follow these instructions for each of your new slides.


8.       On the new slide, click in the box and type:First.  Click on the next line and type: Spread peanut butter on a slice of bread.  Highligh “First” and change the text color to purple as in step 5.  Find clipart to illustrate and insert at the bottom of the slide.


9.       Slide 3: Row 1, Second.  Row 2, Spread jelly on a second slice of bread.

Slide 4: Row 1, Next, Row 2, Place the two pieces of bread together. (hit enter) Row 3, Cut the sandwich into two pieces.

Slide 5: Row 1, Finally, Row 2, Get a big glass of milk and enjoy your lunch!


10.                   Don’t forget to save your slide show as we will

Be showing them in class!


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Last updated: 04/27/05.