2nd Grade Math

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A Hairy Situation

Grade Level:

2nd Grade


1.  Students will be able to collect data for two or more categories.

2.  Students will be able to create a graph to display their results.

Sunshine State Standards:

Strand E Data Analysis and Probability
> Standard 3: The student uses statistical methods to make inferences and valid arguments about real-world situations.
> Benchmark MA.E.3.1.1. The student designs a simple experiment to answer a class question, collects appropriate information, and interprets the results using graphical displays of information, such as line graphs, pictographs, and charts.


1.”A Hairy Situation” handouts

2. Red, brown, black, and yellow crayons.


This lesson will last approximately 30 minutes.


1.Read the poem “A Hairy Situation”.

2. Explain that we will be gathering information (the number of students with each hair color) and compiling that data into a bar graph.

3.Begin by counting the number of students with brown hair.  Record the number on the board and have the students record the number on the first handout beside the blank for the color brown.  Repeat this step for all of the hair colors.

4. Demonstrate on the board how to color in the appropriate number of blocks for the color brown.  Have the students complete the remaining hair colors for themselves.

5. Review that the students have collected and organized data. 


Students will be graded on the completeness of their bar graphs as well as whether or not they followed instructions.



































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